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We offer a well-structured careers programme that meets the needs of our pupils. All learners have a planned progression of lesson and activities to help them in Preparation for Adulthood. The careers programme includes lessons and careers guidance activities (see curriculum page)  Other events include a further/higher education visits# which are provided at different times of the year

There is a dedicated careers library where pupils can use resources or access information regarding future pathways. JCP (Job Centre Plus) advisers work with school to advise on Work Experience opportunities, routes into traineeships and apprenticeships and the local labour market.

Our young people are all very different and therefore the support they need to learn, make choices and ultimately post 16 decisions and beyond has to be  varied. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. Milton School’s careers programme embeds equality and diversity considerations throughout. The careers programme is a thread that runs throughout the secondary phase of the school and is related to curriculum learning. Teachers will record and monitor progress using the Learning Outcome Monitoring Sheet.

All students have opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through, for example visiting# speakers, careers fairs, work related learning.

Through the careers programme students have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits as well as a bespoke work experience opportunity.

All students, whatever their ability are informed of the full range of options available to them so they can make an informed choice when making decisions at 16. This will include the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges and the workplace.

Every student should have an opportunity for guidance interviews with a career adviser whenever significant career choices are being made.  

Parents and Carers are invited to Careers Fairs and are given information packs with details re Post 16 Provision at the Y11 Reviews.


Careers Leader

Date of next Reviews :-        *Careers Education Policy Review Date  OCT 2022 
                                                 * Provider Access Policy Review Date OCT 2022   
                                                    CEIG Reviewed annually.

*For Details see School Policies section of the Website
# Some visits are still done virtually due to Covid restrictions.

Y11 Destinations

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Milton School

Storey Street,



South Yorkshire

S64 8QG

01709 570246

Office hours 8am-4pm

© 2023 Milton School.

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Milton School is an Academy within the Interaction and Communication Academy Trust (ICAT) 
Registered Office: Castle Hill School, Newsome Road South, Newsome, Huddersfield HD4 6JL
Registered in England & Wales, Company No. 10221189

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